Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Poetry: You are You

by icntblvuseddat

A thousand nights and a thousand days


I held the box of matches

Their black heads taunting me

They offered me light

But still I refused

I knew something was lurking in the shadows

I knew not whether it was good or bad

But Darkness offered security

If it was bad at least I would never see...


What if...

Is brightness the way?

...I positioned the stick of wax

The rough edges of wood at my fingertips...

I heard the friction between them

I could feel my heart beat...

I took a deep breath

Closed my eyes...

Hesitation filled every bit of me

But I had to face the truth

The gleam blinded me

My eyes took time to adjust...

I soon grew afraid

My lips quivered, ready to kill the uneven flame

Yet beauty devoured my sight

Kindness clung to me...

In that moment I held Peace

Her hands, warm and comforting,

Were embellished with Contentment’s jewels

And Relief’s rings adorned her fingers


Wind came...

Flowing in a movement of her own

The flames soon danced to her rhythm

Figures around me came to be distorted...

Behind beauty were shadows

Light’s flickering altered kindness...

And the jewels of Peace were thieved

Was brightness the way?

Was fire and warmth the answer?

Confusion and madness has now trapped me

And still I remain


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