Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fiction: Heartwarming Confession

by: s0me1_you_know

"Why are my eyes so drawn to her?" Jacob asked himself as he watched Madison at the corner of his eye, fast asleep.

It was their free period. The students already broke into their gangs and cliques, discussing the latest information a.k.a gossip they heard about their crushes.
Jacob was only half - listening to their conversation when someone suddenly asked him, "So, who do you like, Jacob?". "Uh... er... I don't have anyone who I like..." Jacob said. The group, losing interest since they can't guess his crush, stopped asking him... at least for the moment. "...I think..." he said, finishing his sentence. Luckily no one heard him.

Their next class was P. E. The boys stayed in the classroom to change. The girls, after changing in the girls' CR, stayed outside so they wont fall victim of the guys' pranks. While waiting for the teacher, the boys decided to play a game of tag. As the game progressed, the boys became more desperate to finish the game before their P. E. starts.

Jacob wasn't caught yet since he was athletic... due to the fact that he possessed a lanky frame and long legs. Johnny, wanting to end the game stuck out his foot, causing Jacob to trip. He brushed himself and found that he had some cuts and bruises. Some of them were still bleeding.
A hush descended upon the boys as a shadow fell over him... and he heard a voice... her voice... "Here, let me help. This came up in my first - aid training last summer." Madison said, pulling out a clean bandanna. She helped him hobble to the nearest faucet where she cleaned his wounds and tied her bandanna to the deepest cut, which was bleeding still. Tying it securely, she offered to escort him to the clinic but Jacob declined saying, "It's okay. You still have to help in the demonstration, right? I can manage." With a doubtful look, Madison went back in the direction of the demonstration.
As Jacob hobbled along, his thoughts were suddenly filled with images of her brown hair under the sun, her expressive eyes betraying more concern than she was willing to let on. He shook his head and smiled inspite of himself. He stopped, and leaned on the wall.

"Aaahh... so that's it..." he said to himself. He touched her bandanna..."I like her...", he quietly added under his breath...

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